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Clean beauty and wellness can be overwhelming. There are so many different brands, beauty products, diets, and life philosophies guiding us toward optimal wholeness. Tons of information ping our social media daily about the latest super food or the newest organic beauty product. Where should we start? What really works? How do we determine what's right for us?


I always dreamed about prancing around all-natural, non-toxic, and stress-free. But every time I took that journey, it was anything but natural. I would stumble over products and get flustered with information. What products are toxic? What foods should I eat? What sites can I trust? Do I even know what toxic means? It was too many questions, too much research, and very much not stress-free. I was unsure I could navigate through it to determine what was truly healthy.


I wish I could tell you about a life-changing solution I discovered, where suddenly I was transformed overnight. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. My start to figuring it out was a bit haphazard (read the full story here.) However, what was not random were the results I noticed as I started to switch over to clean living. Small, tiny changes here and there made all the big stuff fall into place. Things started to make sense. My life-changing moment was not a solution or product but rather a realization that small changes led to significant results. Ironically, a major change was possible by making minor, seemingly insignificant changes here and there over time. I finally felt some peace and calm in my skincare routine, daily diet, and overall wellness.


In my voyage to achieve Zen status, I started documenting some of my journey so I could share my experience with others and hopefully provide some useful information, encouragement, and inspiration to others as they have done for me. This is just what I do to get to where I want to be. I hope you can take something from this to get to where you want to be.



Eliza aka lazy jane


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