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Let's Talk Ingredients

Clean Beauty Ingredients List

(one-time email only)

The key to using all-natural products is in the ingredients. Of course, that’s easier said than done. Ingredient lists are confusing ⁠— long scientific-sounding words that may as well be written in hieroglyphics. Lucky for you, I’ve done a lot of the decoding. I've classified tons of common ingredients as harmful, beneficial, or neutral. I further categorized them to determine where they fall on the comedogenic (pore-clogging), irritation, and toxic (dirty) scale. I compiled all that information into a mega list ⁠— and if you fill out the box above, I'll send you a free copy (no worries, I won’t bombard you with emails). Check it out. Maybe the list will help you as much as it's helped me!

A Little About the List...

I use the term "clean" when I'm referring to how green, all-natural, organic, healthy, etc. a product is. Basically, the more happy adjectives I can ascribe to it, the "cleaner" the product is. 

I started down the clean path because I have battled with acne and eczema my whole life and was fed up. I tried every prescription and drug-store product available to alleviate my skin conditions. I just wanted my skin to feel at peace, but it was chronically irritated and congested. Sure, I would have good skin days where my eczema was soothed, and my acne was in remission. ​O​n those days, I would feel good and even great ⁠— but it never lasted. I somehow sensed that if I ate the right foods and used the right products, my skin would be naturally soothed, and I could get to a calm baseline. I knew that if I could find the right trio of products, diet, and ​fitness, I could be in control of my complexion and be an overall happier person. But, how could I find this perfect trifecta amidst the multitude of options out there?

Ironically, the natural path was very unnatural for me. I didn’t know where or how to begin. I was intimidated. I did what any reasonably curious person would do ⁠— I turned to Google. I entered key search words, came across some blogs, and read some articles. I gained a lot of valuable information ​and​ learned one important truth — it was overwhelming. It was complex and confusing. I became easily discouraged.

I was ready to throw in the towel but then I randomly came across an interview with Michael Pollan. I didn’t know who he was and almost scrolled past it in my feed but, for some reason, I clicked on it. He was talking about nutrition and how food was becoming further and further away from an actual food ​source. The things he was saying made a lot of sense to me. I searched for more interviews, came across his books, and randomly started learning about nutrition. This impromptu event became the catalyst which guided me down the path to a major lifestyle clean-living shift. Digesting small bits of information while making tiny changes here and there eventually got me to the perfect trio of products, nutrition, and fitness that works best for me.

Obviously, the point of sharing my story is not to talk about Michael Pollan (although he is great)  but rather to point out that everyone's journey is different. Sometimes searching for and being open to change can lead you exactly where you need to go. Natural doesn’t always come naturally. If you’re feeling intimidated or overwhelmed on how to be healthy or healthier, listen to your gut, be open to change, and take an occasional step outside your comfort zone ⁠— even if it’s a baby step.

Today I finally feel like I have won the battle with my skin. My skin is not perfect, but it has finally found some peace. More importantly, I feel healthy, inside and out.

I felt compelled to share this since it has been such a life-changer for me. I hope you will find your path and share your story as well. 

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